Jeong Ju Hyun
02 Jun 2030 (aged 35)
A violent storm hit this Dae-Jeon city in a quack during seven days. Today at last I can see the sun. We had 2,400 millimeters of rain for seven days, it's more half of the average annual rainfall in this region. What a wonderful downpour!
There are subtropical trees along the street. The presentation of the results of my research at the two-day WCUC(World Class University Conference) is expected three days later. I check the email of Doctor M. Doyle at Maryland University first thing in this morning. Doyle will read at WCUC his paper about a new bio drug based on the structural building blocks of proteins. And I call Doctor Moon Dae-Won in National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) to check the schedule of the conference. Because he is the panelist on Doyle's paper. All this keeps my mind and body busy.
WCU(World Class University) is the project to develop nanotechnology. The size of the South Korean government's contribution for this project will be three trillion won. Nanotechnology is the high technology which will be universally applicable to electronics, communications technology, medical science, environmental science, energy, aerospace engineering etc. In short, It is useful technology in all areas of our life.
I'm Professor of KAIST graduate school for Nanotechnology. I have completed the courses from a master's degree to a doctor's at MIT. There, I was studying deep into the structural building blocks of proteins and into the cause of certain diseases. Korean government invited me to build up a small hard-core group of research scientists specialized in Nanotechnology and in Nano-Biotechnology.
I check today's schedule. I send the research draft of Doctor Doyle to be in the press. At 10 o'clock in a meeting of new drug research teem, the official name of nanocapsule for Parkinsons Disease will be decided. From 7 to 9 pm, I will talk together with Doctor Park Hyun Tae during dinner time. Having promised an experiment in chemistry with my RA(research assistant)
from 10 pm, there is no chance of return today.